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已有 389 次阅读2015-11-23 11:50 | nike, free, run

March race, the Gunners had got off to a good start, the FA Cup 5-0 pummeled the underdog Leiden Oriental, losing League Cup trophy after a strong rebound. But good times don't last long, after 3 days of the Premier League, Arsenal at home to Sunderland 0-0 draw. After this, Wenger's team, 0-2 1-3 against Barcelona lost to Manchester United, just 5 days and have pulled out of the Champions League and FA Cup race. Specifically, within 14 days, the Gunners have and the League Cup,nike free flyknit 4.0 womens, the Champions League and FA Cup champion.

The League champions Arsenal became the only hope to break the champion uncultivated land, but the destiny is love teaser. And West Bromwich Albion is the need to win, but the brutal reality is, gunmen in two ball backward situation the thrills and rival words and. Wenger admits recent results, the team considerably coast, not tactical problems but psychological problems.

Wenger still for Champions League exit to heart (Van Persie's red card caused enormous controversy), you







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